Year: 2017 | Month: June | Volume 7 | Issue 3

Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Canine Dermatitis

DOI:Coming soon...


Dermatitis in general represents the significant percentage of cases in small animal practice so the present study was conducted to record the changes in the oxidative stress parameters in allergic dermatitis in canine cases presented at the Referral Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, R.S. Pura and Central Veterinary Hospital, Talab Tillo in Jammu region. Dogs were divided into four groups, Group A, Group B, and Group C representing bacterial, fungal and parasitic dermatitis and Control group containing normal healthy animals choosen randomly. The number of animals in each group was six. Blood samples were taken in heparinised vials and subjected to antioxidant analysis viz. SOD, Lipid peroxidise, catalase, Gpx and vitamin C. Significant increase in SOD, Lipid peroxidase and decrease in catalase, Gpx and vitamin C level was observed in dermatitis suffering dogs compared with the normal group. The activities of antioxidant enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase, the first line of antioxidant defense against damaging effects of free radicals, were altered. The alterations in oxidative stress indices were more pronounced in cases with involvement of fungal dermatitis as compared to negative control group. The study shows that dermatitis induces marked changes in the antioxidants levels of dog that may have significance in diagnostic purposes.

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